So, he doesn't like me (life goes on)

 If my Racist Friend hadn't told me it was a numbers game, I would have been done deleting this dude, so I'm just hanging on....for what? Who knows. 

Actually, my feelings aren't even that hurt. I'm proud of myself for asking instead of assuming and being fearful and reacting. Go me!

Ultimately, I just wanted to know where I stand.

He doesn't like me. I can sugar coat it and say he doesn't like me "that much," but does it even matter?

I was afraid of missing a chance to hang out and now I don't have to be. I was afraid of waiting and the anxiety that came with it, but now I don't have to be.

So what happened you say?

I texted the boy in the a.m. during the workday (rookie moves) and finally just said, "I want to see you this weekend, do you want to see me?"

To which he responded:

All well and good, except he sent this to Catfish Katie after yet another one of her lazy texts:

So hey at least the bar is low. I don't have to ask any questions. I can send emojis every 3 days and nothing happens. Like I already knew it didn't matter what Carefree Katie does, they still ask.

I had sensed a shift with Mormon. What I originally liked about him was how assertive he was and that he seemed liked he was really into me. It cooled off a bit. And the lazy texts ensued. My gut is right. You're always right, MERJy! It's why I love you. You're my best protector. You've been there with me every step of the way. We laugh, we cry, we fight, we make-up. I love you, best. 

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