3 Dates, 3 Days, and a 3 Hour Workday

 When I was happier this morning, I realized I might have a lot of the elements of early retirement. The main one was the 3 hour workday. Well maybe people want the 3 hour work-week. Oh well, I try to get any work I have to do done by like 1p. And if I'm focused, I can usually accomplish that.

Some days, I don't even need the whole morning.

I had a weird convo this morning with my new manager. I guess they can't cover my license and CE credits. Oh well, old me would have been fretting over job loss. And while I'm still concerned about "losing a job," it's more of an emotional concern than a monetary concern.

I would feel a lot of negative feelings obviously, but financially I would be okay.

I do want to be more than just okay when I quit my job though. 

But let me not digress. 

I came on here to talk about my musings about returning to Seattle.

Last night I was pretty set on it.

Today in the clear light of day, it seems less like a priority.

I feel okay.

The trip did its job - I stopped crying.

I feel like maybe I should just rest in this peace, however temporary.

Why disturb my emotional peace, it's so rare that I have it.

And we have the data to show that dating has lead to 100% horrible outcomes.

So let's not try to milk this Seattle dream for anything more. I went on 3 dates in 3 days, and I got some kisses in there. It's a tidy story. Don't be greedy and end up in an even worse position.

What are my empirical goals - safety and survival, emotionally and physically.

Yes, I'll be bored being in NC all summer with nothing to do, but if I stay off the apps, I'll just be bored, not trying to end my life.

So stay it is. That was easy!

I think what helped is that the smoocher didn't really contact me. I was starting to rush into a fantasy of a summer romance and fling and all these really great outcomes. You know how I like to let myself down.

If he ends up emailing me (even though he very clearly says he wouldn't), then maybe I'll regret it.

But right now, while the potential for boredom is high (and idle-mindedness is a concern), I'm not in distress or emotional danger. 

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