My aunt called to chastise me and other stupid human feelings

 My aunt called to chastise me because she's doing her taxes and it says she owes taxes on some retirement plan she rolled over on my advice. Now mind you, she picks and chooses which of the things I say to do to follow but when something goes wrong it's my fault.

Like she always does, she yells, raises her voice and talks over me. If there truly is a mistake, I'm not taking any of the blame for it. Sorry! Half the time you don't listen anyway.

I'm trying to stay Zen and accept people as they are. She is one of the 2 or 3 people that annoy me but somehow stay in my life. The bar is so low for people that I allow in my life it's ridiculous.

But that's what it's like to be a MERJ.

I almost forgot to be happy all day about my FIRE milestone.

I bought a burrito and ate half. I kinda forgot about the other half. Maybe I'll warm it up now. But who wants warm guacamole? I guess I do! Will it actually taste better an hour before I sleep or in the morning? I guess the morning.

Last time I ate a whole one in 1 day, I felt really bad so I think that's part of the problem.

I feel like I'm on a diet - a dating diet. I'm trying to wait till Tuesday to message back 2 boys who sent lazy texts. I wish they were boys I wasn't interested in so I could not focus on them. 

I was trying to decide if I wanted to tell Mormon boy I was a v-card holder and I think I decided I'm going to go with it. In my heart, my past has been renewed and my purity has been restored. It's important to me. All those things happened to MERJ not MERJ 2.0. I'm born again, but I'm just going to leave that out.

It sucks because that's a big lie to remember. But that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

My neighbor stopped by to tell me I have a flat. I forgot all about that. That happened on the way to Virginia for my date. I got air and then plumb forgot. I was going to wait to get it serviced at the Honda dealership, but I may try to go to Walmart tomorrow and see if I can't get some new tires. I'm due for some new ones. And wiper blades. 

That will take the pressure off trying to squeeze it in to what is looking like a busy week. 

To reset, I think I'll take a week off from my Maryland Aunty. Sometimes, you gotta take a timeout from people. 

That's what I'm doing with these 2 boys.

It just feels like I suddenly have a lot to do but I think I'm just anxious about the next step in my project checklist.

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