I need momentum

 I feel like these days I'm especially choosy with my feelings and words. It's getting a bit stifling. I have an 11a meeting today then I want to get shoes.

I'm unofficially declaring myself in pre-retirement mode. Still on the lookout for some meaningful goals. Mostly #goodvibesonly. Just came up with that. 


Just moseying along. No good shows have really caught my attention. All the reality dating shows just seem to move too slowly.

I've been keeping up my routing of staying in the office and sunning by the window until 7p and then going downstairs and vegging in front of the TV until 11p.  Then bed.

I washed my face once this week with acne wash, but it's hard to stay motivated to do that without a date on the horizon. 


Turned in my first draft. Fortunately, I was able to will myself to go in and address the first 30 comments. Yay! I'm trying to stay a little detached. It's weird that I haven't even read through the document in its entirety for flow and content. Overally, work is neutral. I sometimes scroll through jobs on indeed but nothing has really tickled my fancy enough to apply again. 

If all goes well, I don't think I'll have another project till Fall. What will I do with myself.


Some hundred dollar expenses on the car. I have definitely been spending more. There have been a few McDonald snafoos with not quite getting the best deal, but I've been able to not let it boil up as it may have in the past. 

I'm tempted to make some money moves and just move everything to index funds and be done instead of checking everyday to see if prices have bounced back up. 

I don't know what the strategy is there for when the market is down but you don't have any new money and you just want to trade funds. Meh. 

Luckily, I am diverting all extra funds to my aftertax 401k just so I don't have to be faced with this dilemma. 

I still have to file my taxes! I don't know what my problem is.  I don't think it's going to happen today though.


So my routine for 2 of the last 3 nights has included texting with Mormon Boy. This is why I feel like I need momentum. I had a minor freakout over the weekend because I couldn't figure out what we were. I'm not patient enough for dating. I like you, you like me, let's date. Not, let's text, give it time, just be my boyfriend already. My Racist Friend pseudo talked me off the ledge over the weekend. And my aunt helped yesterday and said give him a week to initiate a hang-out even virtually and then next week you can try to plan something. 

I really wanted to go down there this weekend but I really needed him to initiate that yesterday (Wednesday). So I'm a little bummed. If we can go 1 week without seeing each other, to me we can go forever. So yeah, my brain has to know where to park itself, so it's in the economy lot off site.

I know now, that texting over the weekend isn't for me. So I don't know what I'll do if he texts Friday night (anytime after 5p) to Sunday after 5p. I think I'm just going to call it. Friday 5p to Sunday, 5p = me time. No anxious activities or uncertain things. I'm not closing the door to new contact, but no things that disrupt my mood. 

So if he doesn't text tonight, we won't talk till Sunday and if it's not a request for a call, it might be Tuesday. 

In other news, I paid almost $30 for another virtual speed dating event. There's so many, I get so excited about the possibility but I'm going to try this one and see how it goes. 


I want to get some new tennis shoes. Then I bought some, there goes $120. But I'm going to return 1. I felt fancy and it saved me a trip out, so I bought two pairs and will see how I like them. Went with Saucony brand because that was the last shoe brand that made walking feel springy and light on my feet. 

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