I'm spinning out of control

 I don't know what to do! I just feel like I'm emotionally cutting myself. Japple is being mean to me. I thought he'd seen the light and was now totally into me. But he's just being rude. So I wanted to cut deeper so I called him on the app.

Obvi no answer.

Feeling hurt and rejected, I wanted to cut deeper, so I called the Mormon. Obvi no answer.

This isn't what you do. I just moved from Not Into You to Crazy Girl.

Then I called my Racist Friend. He's no help. No answer.

I just want to get off these apps. I want to be the person I imagine myself being. How do I get off these apps for good. 

This doesn't feel good anymore. 

I'm crying.

The counselor says if you start to get weepy, to stop doing it.

There's nothing here for you MERJ, but don't make any major decisions while you're in distress.

This doesn't feel good anymore.

No one on these apps is trying to love you and hold you and never let go. I think I'm done for good.

I will make my decision Tuesday by 9p. 

Give myself a chance to calm down. 

This isn't fun anymore.

No more last looks. 

They win. And that's okay. 

This isn't bringing the best out of me. 

MERJ 2.0 doesn't get treated like this. 

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