7p Check-In

 How am I doing right now?

Haven't cried in at least an hour. Prob longer. I distracted myself today with My Lottery Dream Home. A few blog posts. I went to the grocery store and got some Oreos. Then I got some cups because I didn't feel like washing any cups and they're all dirty.

I was clicking around the internet and a news story popped up about people working 2 WFH jobs. I loved it! I couldn't read the entire article without a subscription but I clicked around and found some other stories. 

It's actually something I tried to do at Call Center #2. I had significant down time and wanted to capitalize on it. That's how I got into bank bonuses. Anyway, I was unsuccessful.

But there's this website called Overemployed and it was delightful to read. It got me thinking, I remember in the last 12 months, My Buddy had a lot of mysterious absences. I always thought she was interviewing now I'm surely convinced Homegirl has a 2nd job! 

All the signs were there - mysterious absences. Silence in meetings. (No work.) Late for every task. I think she just scheduled a bunch of meetings as a cover. Always had computer/network issues. She's been two-timing. If it's really true, mad respect. Haha. 

She's savvier than I already thought she was. The best part was not doing the work she was hired to do and getting the business to hire more people to do it for her while she works a whole other job. 

Anyway, for funsies, you know how Brain works... as soon as I call Time of Death on something, it's the only thing I can think about. So once I softly announced I'm officially/unofficially retired from Call Center work, I immediately started looking for Call Center jobs. Ugh, this Brain of mine!

Maybe not immediately, but when the idea of looking for a 2nd WFH job resurfaced, that was my go-to.

And yep! I just applied for 2. Haha. It was more fun this time because it felt like a big secret. I don't know if I'll feel that intense regret and rejection if it goes sour, but we shall see. I think I may also follow-up on anymore contract jobs from those silly recruiters that land in my inbox. 

This should be fun! 

It was also just nice finding a little bit of support on the internet from people who've had poor outcomes at their job. Churning for nothing. I really do need that support group to stop feeling so crazy. For those moments, I really felt empowered like I made the right decision to get out. 

I love the tenets of OverEmployed. They were like set low expectations from the beginning. I guess it's just an open secret in corporate America that I either didn't understand fully or refused to believe - doing more work often leads to more work, not more money. It was 100% evident in my role and in our team of 4. I just didn't want to believe it.

I like the overcommunicating tips and the perception of looking like you're doing work. I definitely saw it in The Dinosaur. She literally spent a 30 minute meeting showing me how she sent an email. You're 50 years old! Email has been around. 

Now that it's a little bit of a game, I might be able to get onboard. 

Alright, that's enough of an update. 

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