Sat, Oct 15, 2022, A night out

Dear Diary,

 Wow, I went out like a normal person (in their 20s). Of course I didn't really want to because it was a bit cool and dark last night. After the sunset around 7p, I was down for the count. But Eve came by a little before 8p and out we went. 

It was actually pretty chill. Again, somehow divorcing myself from this pressure to be interesting or even fit in has been nice. Eve is also pretty chill for a 20-something year old. 

At this point, it's safe to say the majority of the events I attend are composed of Indian software engineers. Indian as in born in India. That's fine. If the baseline goal is just getting out of the house and having something to do, it's a decent crowd because everyone is pretty friendly and there's no pressure of romantic entanglements. 

So this morning after many versions of the text and my brain being flooded with weird dating advice from the past, I sent Sean a response. 

If he doesn't respond, I'm actually okay because I now know his follow-up time is about a week. Weirdo. 

Still nothing from Steve. Weirdo. Ice Cream Date guy did send a nice follow-up message after the date. And 2 old guys that I tried to go out with last weekend have again made loose plans about hanging out. Yawn.

I'll probably follow-through with at least 1 of them just to get a third date under the belt.

Other than that, I think today I'm taking it easy. No regrets about not hiking. Felt a little bad about not going on the Sunday trip but it'll be nice to have the day to myself. Look at me, turning down events! If I go out today and tomorrow, I will have gone out 10 days in a row!!

So I'm going to watch some shows, eat some snacks and then head out to a very generic dinner later. Hopefully it'll be cold enough outside to make heavy pasta taste good. 

I always just end up feeling a little groggy until the sun comes out. 

Oh in case I haven't told you, I decided not to go to the grad school reunion. I thought it was the same weekend as Amy's party but it's not. It would have been fun to do random spontaneous things but I don't really feel like navigating a weekend in SF by myself. 

Anyway, I think that's all. I might post my new budget on the Budget page just to have it up.

Oh, yesterday I got to talk a little bit about FIRE. There was a very stressed engineer worried about money and being overworked. I tried to show him some links but I doubt if anything stuck. He did say he's trying to save 50% of his paycheck, so I think the seed has already been planted but he might just need some fine tuning. That's definitely where I was when I started my FIRE journey. 

Ok, off to lounge around till dinner time! 

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