Tuesday AM Check-In: Moody

 My foul mood lingers. 

Scheduled an ergo session for Thursday. Hope to get my shoulder situation sorted.

Been watching TV non-stop since Friday.

Feeling forgotten, lost. 

Have to stop blaming or looking to job to solve all my problems.

Should I work on getting my title officially changed? Should I add my title to my away message. The only reason for this is to mentally stick it to My Old Team. I'm pretty sure they're not thinking about me. I'm the only one in this narrative that keeps replaying in my head, but here we are.

I don't want to go to the mailbox because there's work to do. Grr. 

Not sure if I celebrated this or not, but that lost money from a failed direct deposit made it to the right bank account without me having to chase it down. Thanks, God! 

The reason I don't like exercising or taking a walk is that it activates me and sometimes gives me energy with no outlet. 

I don't need energy to live a sedentary life. 

I don't want to get my heart rate up. 

I think I just get annoyed on a light work day when my meetings are spaced out. I feel like I can't do anything (when really I can). I mean I need to go to the bank and I can definitely do that in the 2 hours between my first meeting and 2nd, but somehow my brain is like noooooooooo!

I know this transition was the right thing. It is. I'm working way less and making a bit more. I'm just going to pretend I was laid off because that's essentially what happened in one version of the story. 

Should I just do whatever I want or should I still try to play the game when I can? 

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