Still Happy! (Includes Some Money Stuff)

 Hello, World! Have I told you how much I love a cool Fall day?!  Well, I do.

I didn't make it to 8a Virtual Yoga because I was enjoying snuggling in my cozy blankets too much. When I did wake up I took a short walk to the end of the neighborhood. I could've walked for hours! 

So many things.

I've been feeling more and more like I should go to get vaccinated and/or go to the doctor to get a jump start on some of my appointments for next year. Side note: as tempting as the HSA is, I think with my increasing ailments, I might just get a regular plan. 

I fell down the stairs this weekend. Got a couple of bumps and scrapes. It was both frightening and freeing. I could have died. And it would've been okay. 


This time around on Hinge, I've been less successful. I see the same people and one of my new matches matched with me last time. Haha. I wonder if he even remembers? 

Of the 2 people that have chatted with me, 1 has already brought up sex...twice. Gross. Do I reprimand these men or just unmatch them? It's really hard to say. I think the long text conversations really aren't for me - because of auto-correct, and I think people are saying things on here that they likely wouldn't say in person. And after hearing someone else on the internet say it, I think texts really should be for short communications. I don't want to hear your whole life story on text.  Although I do think if I could free type with my hands and a full keyboard I might change my mind. 

It's also a strange position because I don't really want to get out of the house and meet strange men. I don't want anyone trying to put the moves on. It kind of grosses me out to think about it. 

So there we have it.

I'm trying to untangle myself from the 1st Hinge Date (aka The 40 Year Old). Things have definitely cooled off. I was mad checking my email (because I get the messages sent to email) all weekend. He was pretty predictable. I don't actually think he's that into me because he wasn't putting in that much effort to actually see me again. Then when I cooled off, he was all do you want to hang out? Then I responded and then nothing. *rolls eyes*

In my mind, I very dramatically was going to delete my number to purge him from memory, but so far I've just deleted the texts. 

I know I will get over this because he's not a good guy, it's just annoying that he's occupied so much mental space. But then I think - what else would I be doing. 

It just would've been nice to only have to deal with this one time and be done. Naturally, I do question how this could've gone differently. So I need to really be okay with not coming in hot and heavy. As much as I want an enlightened guy, they really need to feel like they are doing the pursuing even it means 90 days between dates. Lame. 

All the dumb game-playing works. 

Enough about that.

Money Update

So I updated my income and expense spreadsheet yesterday. I stalled a little in investment growth but I'm still shoveling all the money there anyway. 

Quick Update

Expenses YTD: $7.5k (target 15k/year for COVID)

Invested YTD:  $86k (includes 401k as well)

With only 3 months left in the year, I'm actually quite impressed with my expenses! That's with sending $1200 overseas already.  It gives me hope that I could live a simple life on $20k. But also makes me really anxious for big expenses like - house, car, or health. Groan. 

Actually, now that I think about it. This doesn't give a good picture because I didn't have student loans and I didn't pay my mortgage for 4 months. The focus of the COVID budget was more to save and invest as much money as possible while on lockdown. So goal accomplished there!

Other News

I think I'm going to go the laundromat Wednesday. I really need to turn my phone back on (powered off) so I can add things to my Walmart cart. I need to get TP as I'm down to my last roll. It never should have gotten this far. So I figured I should make a Walmart run. Just really need to get to $35. 

I don't feel the urge to stock up like I did last year because I cook less and less, but we shall see.  I can't believe it's about to be October!!

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