Life's Potpourri

 I went to bed around 11p and woke up around 4a. A little bit because I was too warm but also I was a little congested. I could still smell the smoke from last night. 

So softball is quite a potpourri of experiences and I mostly mentally check-out to get through it.

I was outdoors during pollen season. I was surrounded by people. Luckily, while there was a din of people and activity, it wasn't very loud. I was also supposed to be playing softball. Luckily, the coach doesn't take it too seriously and no one was especially chatty.

There was one guy that was trying to help me. When there's a guy-girl combo I feel like there's always an alert of - is this person interested in me romantically? Some of the white guys didn't even make eye contact, so that's a heck no. But this 52 year old black guy was the one helping me. It was innocent enough, then he asked me how old I was. I mean we all want to know, but because it kind of came out of nowhere, that was one telltale sign he might be interested. Ick.

He said don't wear a skirt, you're a ball player. Obviously, I'm going to wear my skirt again. Don't tell me what to wear. I'm pretty much just standing around. 

Then when he was coaching me to bat, he said things like... I'm not trying to touch you...I'm not trying to hold your hand. Are you just being overly cautious or are you actually trying to touch me and hold my hand. 

Money Stuff

I have spent much of the last 2 days figuring out how to benefit from the down market prices. I had purposed to lock in my old prices and switch all my target date funds to index funds because that seemed to be what the other bloggers do. But with everything down, it didn't feel right. When I did magic math one way and just looked at percentages of where the prices are now vs their 52-week high, it seemed like the potential to gain was higher than the total loss I was at vs my cost basis. But when I actually ran the numbers, I either came out in the same position in dollars or a little less.  Except for in my Roth IRA. The cost-basis there was so high.

The only new money I had being invested was going into my 401k. I didn't know I could allocate to something different without changing my past contributions. So right now, everything was being deposited into my target date fund. But as I was clicking around I found out lots of things! I could rebalance old contributions alone! I could also choose where each source of my contributions were allocated. So my employer, my employee, my aftertax...all could be designated to go to different investment options. 

I actually didn't fully appreciate it until this morning when I went to choose new investment options. I had bought an index fund thinking I had to do like 99% index fund and 1% target date fund for new money. But nope, I can fully just have all the new money go into the index fund! Ugh! I wish I had known. 

Oh well. 

Dating stuff

I don't like being on the apps because it makes me nervous and feel rejected. But I don't want to get off because once I do, I'll feel like I'm giving up and immediately want to go back on as though just by being on I automatically get dates. 

But what does this look like for MERJ 2.0.

How do I factor this in? What is reasonable to expect? What is my role in this. 

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