I Spent $14 on Pizza and a Hinge Update

  I was doing so well, but I knew Thursday morning was the mental deadline I gave myself for the last hope to respond. Otherwise, we would have gently slipped into 'he's not that into you' territory. Womp, womp.

I thought I could weather it since I'd been so resistant of going through the rigmarole of signing up yet again for Hinge. 

But wouldn't you know. I am back on it. It was a lot of finagling because I put a lot of roadblocks in my way. I was debating between using new or old pictures; pictures I've used before on the apps; what name to use; what city to be in; what should my job be; how much of "real me" to be vs "marketable me." Somehow I ended up with a mix of Carefree Kate and MERJ.

I'm in Seattle with a fake name and some low effort prompts. I used a job title closer to what Carefree Kate had; I used one of her picture ideas. This time I'm more upfront about where I live. I used new pictures because meh, what else am I doing with those pictures. This made me a little wary because I wanted a control burn of what pictures I wanted on the internet. But part of the appeal of a new profile was to add new stuff.

The petty part of me wanted to copy some of Carefree Kate's prompts verbatim as a "gotcha" to the 2 guys I catfished. But alas, I am not that bold. Not that they would even notice!

We all know it wasn't the prompts that got Katie all the attention. She could have written that she liked to eat mice and I think it would've been just as appealing. #anywhitewilldo

I blame it on the TV show I stumbled upon this afternoon. This afternoon's gem was called Addicted to Marriage and what a treat it has been! These women have had multiple "marriages" and haven't given up on love. I use marriage in quotations because honestly these days what's the difference between marriage and relationship. 

Safeguards for myself - I only added the app on the iPad. I'm keeping the iPad in my office. I'm still vacillating on keeping notifications silenced until 7p. But I think the downfall for that is waiting until 7p to check to find nothing. So since my volume is so low, I'm just turning it on for now. 

There's really no reason for me to be on the iPad these days for work so the iPad can just stay in the office. Plus, I've been dropping it a lot and the screen has a row of micro-scratches on it. So I'm just keeping it stored up here. If I happen to hear a ping or feel the need to check it for some reason, it's there.

This feels like sending your apps out to online recruiters or waiting like a sitting duck on LinkedIn. I know how this story ends so I don't see myself being on this long. Luckily, it's easy to delete. 

We'll shoot for 7 days. If God can create the world in 7 days, surely I can find someone to chat with in 7 days. And this time, I'll leave no open chats so I'll know once and for all that I explored all leads. 

But all in all, my afternoon was great. I had a great binge watch and we all know marketing works for me. Papa John's sent me a marketing email to try their new NY style pizza. Done! 

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