I Have A Hinge Problem

 I think it's fairly easy to recognize I have fits and starts about most things. Then when I get into something, I tend to get really into it.

Although I've had no success on Hinge, with success being defined as a long term relationship, I keep deleting and recreating new profiles on the app. It's what I read on the internet - it's designed to be addicting. Because the alternative is staying at home on your couch where you'll definitely meet no one.

It's like my lottery phase. You can't win if you don't play. I would have mild success and keep coming back for more. 

My therapist at the time accused me of "gambling" and that felt ugly so I stopped. Well not really, I ran the lottery pool at work until I quit that job. 

There's some fun in getting something right. Something that makes you feel special. What's more special than being a lottery winner. But unlike drug addiction, that first hit of a win wasn't "the best feeling in the world."

Anyway, last night I spent at least an hour crafting a new profile. I just KNEW this was going to be the one. I read a shady article that said people in Alabama were looking for interracial relationships. So I set my sights on Birmingham. I didn't get any likes within a few minutes of setting up my profile (like Carefree Kate did), so I switched cities to Austin. After 30 minutes of no likes, I deleted the profile and felt bad about myself.

Realizing I had nothing on my calendar for next week, I decided to come up with a plan. I didn't want to spend all week wondering if Dapple would reach back out to me (spoiler: he won't or it'll be lukewarm and I'll act like it's a marriage proposal). So I needed the distraction, yet again. 

But it can't be local because I don't want to get myself in trouble. I wish I could figure out Discord or Slack. 

Right now, I think I need to stay out of Seattle for a week just because of the conflict of interest. So I might try Birmingham for a week and Austin for a week. This time I'm going to be upfront about my location in a prompt instead of in the Hometown field. So I guess we'll do Monday at 9a to Sunday at 9p?

There's got to be some New Year's resolutions out there to meet someone. I probably should stick with my old pictures but I already harvested some new ones from the archives so who knows. Ugh, more pictures of me on the internet. 

I think in a place like Birmingham, adventure might not be the thing. And I'm not super hopeful because a lot of their Hinge users are in their 20s. I think it'll be like my area where anyone #almost40 is on their 2nd marriage and at least 2 kids.  Birmingham is a bit of a college town so there might be some transplants. So maybe Austin will be a more fruitful Week 1?

I want to lift some of the exact verbiage from Carefree Kate's profile just to amuse myself. They're so low effort, I just know they won't work. But maybe that's the fun. 

I'm too excited to type more.

Happy New Year!

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