June 2022 Financial Update

It's been awhile since I did one of these, so I might be all over the place. I love being free to say exactly what I want. I feel a bit censored at work. And even a bit censored in therapy. And I have no friends. I just like that this is a place to spill all the jumble in my mind. So sometimes there are typos or non-sequitur thoughts, but I need some place to be free.

I'm glad I kept this blog!

I just updated my balance spreadsheet and here are the numbers:

Investment balance: ~$430k

(Q1 Investment balance, for comparison: $481k)

So I'm down in balances about $50k. Mind you've I've contributed about that much to my various investment accounts. So Am I actually down $100k? Who knows!

I won't dwell.

I'm mostly trying to figure out a new banking solution for everyday living. 


Here are 2022 YTD expenses:

Here are just Jun 2022 expenses: 


Nothing really here. I think it's nice to know that outside of extras like traveling, I'm around $8k for the year thus far. If that trend continues, I should be around $16k for the year for basic everyday expenses. That's around 150% of the federal poverty level for a family of 1. I'm neither overly proud or sad. I'm a little proud....I guess...but not boastful. I guess I'm glad. It affirms that moving to Death House was a good financial choice.  

Life is simple here. The opportunities to spend money just aren't here for me. I mean splurging for me is getting more than 1 box of cereal at full price. 

I don't have many more words because I'm coming down from an anxious episode mixed with a bit of rejection. Meh. 

This is kind of the 'boring middle' but also just life. I am better when I don't chase remarkable outcomes. 

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