Jun 12 Check-In: Summer Romance Vibes and maybe some money stuff

 I have been in La La land, and it's been awesome!

I had my summer romance that I was too pragmatic to even hope for. And even with that, I went on 3 dates this week.

We saw each other Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and it was awesome.

Sure, he didn't confess his undying love for me or make plans to see me again after his or my trip. But that's okay! 

As long as there are no long term negative side effects, I think it was a great experience.

Honestly, since the day we met, everything about it was a Resounding No, but I just decided to go along with it.

He's a self-proclaimed "Atheist Jew." He talks a lot and has an opinion about literally every thing. He never told me I was pretty and obviously self-pleasures a lot.

But then he offers me the last shrimp. Tries to think of fun things to do that I might enjoy. He buys me a metal straw. Tells me I remind him of his grandma (in a sweet way). He gives me hugs when I ask for them. He made me dinner and breakfast. He orders for me. He buys dinner. He holds me close when we walk by homeless people. And he's overall nice and wants to spend time with me - the things I asked for.

I don't want to say anything else about it. 

Money wise. 

I keep feeling a tad bit of is there anything I could be doing better to put more money in the down market.  I think right now, I've spent between $20-22k already for about the first 6 months of the year.

So I could be at around $40k/yr.

I don't know what else to do about it.

I'm trying to wait until June 30 because a little bit of time will have passed since my big summer Seattle trip. It's funny how hard it is to focus on finances right now.

I'm glad I auto-invest and auto-save for the most part. For moments like these, when I have other things to think about, my money is on auto-pilot.

On a quick glance though, I still am a little cash poor. And for the most part, I think I'm functioning as though the FIRE pot isn't there for everyday living. I'm just trying to manage with my Regular Checking and Savings. I think that's a good default strategy for now. 

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