Emotional Management Plan of Slow Fade

 Much to my dismay, the Boy did not text me last night. That's 2 nights which is unusual for him. The last time he went more than 2 nights, he didn't text me for 5 days. To compound the rejection, this is the 2nd Friday in a row I was hoping we would connect in real time. As if I didn't know he's not into me. 

So here's how I'm planning to manage it.

My last text was Thursday at 4:15p EST. The widely accepted social norm is to respond within 48 hours when dating.

So if he responds by 4:15p EST (with an undetermined grace period), I will continue with my regular Slow Fade Plan. In this case, I'll pretend to be okay with it and respond after the same number of days he took + 1 day penalty. There's a part of me that also wants to move him to email so I can get rid of this number altogether. And there's a part of me that wants to send him messages at 3:30am to see if he likes it. I don't know which of those I'll do first. I think trying the 3:30a thing is probably a fine intermediate to give him one last chance to reject me informally.

If he responds after 4:15p EST, then I will initiate this plan.

Step 1: Ask for a date. (immediately, no waiting)

Step 2: He will give an excuse.

Step 3: Respond: Haha, I love it! So no date, no calls, no interactive texting, no flirty banter, no pictures, is it fair to say, you're ready for this correspondence to be over? 

(Alternative: ... what would you do if you were me?)

(Alternative: at step 3, just: Bye, Dapple.)

This forces his hand and forces the end of this relationship. I've lost at least 3 nights of restful sleep just this week along anticipating his responses. Getting out of bed to check my phone. One night I spent a restless night coming up with responses. 

Other Life

It's noticeably easier to get over slights when you have other things going on in your life. So if I'm going to keep working, I have to have other interests. I can't wait to stop going to these Virtual Lunches. 

Strange, there were so many more thoughts when I was trying to sleep. Funny, that. 

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