After the Interview

 I don't have a title for this post because there's not much direction. I suppose I could do a Financial Check-In, but I haven't felt like talking about money too much.

Let's see the Top 3 things that were making anxious the last time I posted:

- The Interview

- The House Leak

- What else? 

I'm sure the third thing was work-related. What else could it be? 

Well the interview was yesterday and at the very least it's over. I'm trying hard not to imagine myself transitioning to a new role but that's a feat. So for the most part, I just let myself go there. It perks up my day a little to think - whatever, I'll be leaving soon. This is where I was in 2019 when I thought I was leaving Call Center #1 but here we are.

If ever there was a predictable human who didn't learn her lesson - it's this girl!

So the interview went well, Brain was pretty resistant to rehearsing, but I did put together some answers and since it's virtual, I mostly read off my sheet. I actually recorded myself to see if my eyes would belie that I was reading off my computer. In the recording, I didn't see my eyes shifting so I went in feeling good about that, but I still was hesitant to appear that my answers were rehearsed. 

If I had to do anything differently, I would say I could have framed my answers a little more for the role and more explicitly showed how what I did would translate into the new role. I didn't even think about that. I more focused on providing an answer and providing what I thought was the "right answer." I think it's my first time applying for a technical job that I really hadn't done before. I'm not good at faking it and I guess to me the hiring manager already knew I had no experience, but yeah I forget everyone does not have me and my circumstance top of mind.

I was proud of myself for asking what the timeline was. She actually said this week or next. That was surprising. I mean I feel like hiring managers always say two weeks and I ALWAYS BELIEVE THEM.  This time is no different. I am so gullible because I was going to say...she sounded like she was telling the truth. 

She did mention she'd have to run it up the chain, so that might delay things. I know on our side of the business, stuff can just be slow or really just unpredictable.

I did have a soft plan to follow-up with the recruiter tomorrow just to check-in and see what his timeline was. I technically never applied on Workday because I didn't want the rejection.

I was actually feeling good enough about the interview and I'm paranoid my boss has friends in many places that I casually mentioned I'd spoke to clinical writing just to see what they had to say.  It was very non-committal.

Well whatever, it'll be an anxious ride to next Friday.

I ate some celebratory cold chicken wings from the grocery store. Did I tell you I started a chicken wing taste test for my local neighborhood? 

The food here is truly terrible but every restaurant sells chicken wings. That's how you know you're hood-adjacent. 

So this truly terrible Chinese food place - I ate there when I first moved and not remembering fully how truly awful it was - decided to eat there again sometime last week - has chicken wings. Again, I'm thinking you throw some frozen wings into a fryer, how bad can it be. I don't know if they just buy the cheapest of the cheapest of ingredients or what, but the wings were not great. I got terriyaki and the sauce was like wet and gloopy. How? How is the grocery store cashier cooking up better chicken wings than a restaurant?!! 

Literally you throw some frozen wings in a fryer and sprinkle some salt on them. Not hard. Anyway, so it was not worth the $8. There are two other places here that serve chicken wings on their "neighborhood menu." That's what I'm calling it because there is no reason why a seafood and a sushi place should have chicken wings. 

I have yet to do any recreational activity this summer, so I'm going to go ahead and count any excursion as an outing - even food runs. 


- I have resisted incrementally each day to do more than my very vague job description. I guarantee if the outcome of this job interview is negative, I'll be whistling a different tune. But for the next two weeks and ideally this summer, I'm trying to take it easy. I was creeping and saw My Buddy sent over her version of our Roles and Responsibilities to My Boss. I hope they meet and talk about it. 

- It's definitely been hard not to care, and I slip up every day. But I also make small steps everyday to care a little less. As I thought it would, hearing the success of one of her other managers taking over 1 of the call centers filled my heart with such jealousy, it was difficult to bear. I didn't say much in the moment which I'm really proud of, but today it slipped out. I just asked who he would be reporting to. Because I saw him with the leadership team on a video chat. Jealous. Sort of. 

- But I am trying to remain focused on my current 2 projects at the moment - a new program and some telephony reporting. Anything else, I'm just letting it hang in the silence. 

- Actually until this moment, I'd actually forgotten my why - the desire to be paid more and be a pseudo project manager. 

- But as I suspected, our next launch is happening in piecemeal. If that's what the team wants to do, then so be it. 

- Meh, I don't want to talk about work anymore.


- I updated FIRE tracker with my non-hidden funds. 


- I still need to call the home insurance company back about this water leak. 

That's pretty much it. Not much busywork to click around. I found some yummy chocolates that have been making me happy the last 2 nights. Yumsies!

I talked to my Racist Friend last weekend. I still don't really like him. He's not that great of a person, but I was so desperate to talk to any human. 

Oh we had some dumb leadership quizzes to take. Maybe I'll take one just for funsies. It'll be like those silly quizzes in teen magazines. What type of x are you? 

This leadership series is one where Overachiever Me would be fighting to be an active participant and move to the front of the class, but while in Standby Mode I just can't muster the energy. I think the Fan Favorite is too tough of an opponent anyway. If I can't even edge by My Buddy (who does no work), there's no way I can edge out another over achiever who is very vocal and privileged. 

Oh some closing notes on the job I interviewed for:

- I hope I get $140k (not likely because it seems like if you move within the same band, they don't offer you more money)

- I hope I find out I get it this week

- I hope I can take a week off between gigs

- I hope I love it (the people in a lot of these roles in this department seem to stay for decades; maybe because they have PhDs and I feel like PhDs are usually academics and tend to stay put and not job hop, so maybe not a factor of job satisfaction so much as the types of people that fill these roles)

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