Good morning! I was just mopey, yesterday. This morning I feel great. I'm looking forward to getting all my stuff packed up and moved out.
I'm a bit annoyed that I got a bit hood-winked with the internet stranger. I suspect she's just holding on to this stuff and will not be able to move it out. So I am mentally preparing to relist everything.
I'm giving myself the next 2 weeks to be completely packed. So that the last week, I'm just living out of my Summer Bag. No cooking, no rugs, nothing. Ideally, the only thing remaining that week would be my bed.
I have no idea what my work load will be like because the timelines keep shifting.
I got a little nervous yesterday about my upcoming workload but it looks like next week will be pretty light. So I don't even have to complete my tasks Tuesday if I get in the mood to pack. I can wait until Thursday! Yippee!
I looked up adult ballet and Newtown has a few studios that offer it. I looked at 3 and one was a perfect fit because it went by semesters! I just loved that. It fits in line with my back to school theme. And the price was right! Yay, to the algorithm.
I'm also feeling more motivated to trim down my clothes I really want the bins to just be partially full. And now that I have tentatively decided on what my cool weather look will be, that should help. Plus, MERJy, you can always buy more!
But, yeah, so far I'm proud of the progress I made and I think the rest will be time consuming but easy to pack. Packing up dishes mostly. Which I'm not sure how to store. Maybe the glass stuff, I can stuff between clothes and linens. I'll take my rice cooker; nix the Crock Pot; my pots; and dishes. I kind of want new stuff to be honest, but we'll see.
I was thinking of sitting downstairs today to make sure I sat up vs laying down all day. But this rainy weather makes me want to stay upstairs in bed. I am on bed rest after all!
I think today will be more of the same - eating and lounging and snacking. I already picked out a couple things on Paramount Plus that shouldn't be too distressing. Next time it's really warm, I might snuggle up with some old movies downstairs on the couch that I never used.
There was a part of me that was trying to think of something wild and adventurous to do this summer. I still want a beach getaway!! But the algorithm wasn't giving me any desirable results. So I'll just table that until the next wave comes. Funny, when I was in Philly and thinking about not having access to the beach anymore, I thought I'd do some final goodbyes to things I would miss. But it almost feels like that moment has passed.
In this particular moment, I don't care that much if I don't go to the beach this summer or before I leave. It's not really a priority. And I'm especially not trying to unpack anything. Call it one track minded, but I'm trying to just get out of here. Even though, it's not June 11th yet, I'm still not really trying to unpack things. Once it's packed, I want to leave it like that.
So yeah, for now, I think the plan is to be okay with spending 30 days with Landing Standby in the South. that way I'm local for closing and for my work trip in July. And after I move out, if something comes to me to do during that time, I'll go from there.
All these wild dreams and weird thoughts I had of what I might want to do or I might miss don't even seem to pop up anymore, at least not with the same intensity. I'm just focused on getting out of here and getting to the next step.
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