It's Tuesday. Reflections.
Not much. I happened to remember to RSVP for another online boardgame meetup. It's a game I played in person in Seattle pretty regularly but that was a few months ago now. So I'm waiting for that to start.
It was quite warm today so switched the heat back to a/c. A committee member mentioned someone died of COVID just this weekend. Wow! So I don't feel so crazy wearing my mask around still.
The neighbors. The people across the lane are quite attention seeking. I have seen and heard this woman just about everyday since she moved in. There are now 3 kids and a young adult living there. There is a man she was shouting out over the weekend for an extended period of time. I wonder what the neighbor next to her must think. I've never seen her but she gets a few deliveries.
The online data seems to say the loud neighbor is a home owner, but I don't buy it. I think just because I don't really remember seeing anyone come look at these places, but I could be wrong. And actually, when a potential renter came by looking, I don't remember her saying she wasn't a renter.
Nothing really happened today at work or personal life. No new news on the Housing front. No interaction from work. I submitted my expense report from my most recent work trip. It was under $1000 which was surprising. I splurged on some snacks and a few meals but it was barely noticeable.
This gives me more confidence to spend a little bit more.
I found a Space Bag I think I might use for my overflow clothes. I went through the bin marked "Spring/Fall" clothes yet again. And I got frustrated because I still couldn't get it 70% full. It was near the top. So I just stared and stared and stared. I decided to just try to use a clear bin for any overflow because the Winter clothes bin was too full as well.
But once I remembered the Space Bag, I finally got off the couch and repurposed it for the overflow. So the overflow is mostly clothes I'm not sure what to do with and I don't want to get rid of quite yet.
A few extra sweaters because I'm out of practice getting dressed for social events. Especially in cold weather.
One new development as I sorted the Spring/Fall clothes is that I actually have at least 10 dresses, majority are new so I'm not sure how they feel on or for 8 hour wear. Where I was thinking I had no real bottoms and would just resort to stretch pants and an oversized cardigan, I think the new plan is to use the dresses for both seasons. In the Spring wear them with stretch pants, and in the Fall wear them with a shirt underneath. This simplifies things considerably. And now I'm less worried about not having bottoms. This will be my default outfit pairing. Ideally, if this works I can probably trim down the long sleeve tees to 2 or 3 warm fitted ones.
(OMG - the bickering with Loud Neighbor and her male partner has restarted!)
It's weird how attention-seeking some people are. I've never seen this played out in real life like this.
Anyway, figuring out a solution for the clothes has been awesome. So I've moved from 70% done to like 80%. It's as sorted as it's going to be. And I moved 3 more items to donation.
The only thing left really is stuff I have in laundry and my suitcases from my work trip.
Current plan is just to live out of the Purple suitcase for the summer, so I will likely just keep whatever it is I have packed. It's all pretty easy wear/ washable stuff and I don't have any big plans where I'll need specific outfits. I might just pack a bathing suit because I don't have any solutions for keeping cool yet. I hope to be near a lake at some point this summer because it's unlikely I'll make it to the ocean.
I am also thinking, I'd liked to be fully packed and the house emptied by June 11, a week before I move to my short-term rental. I even listed some potential take out places to make sure meals would not get in the way. I had a lot more options than I thought! So that should be a fun week.
Because July looks so vast with not much to do, I looked again at the dates to see if I wanted to move to Newtown sooner. But it's still looking like August will be a better choice.
I'll still plan to use the short term rental for at least a month. And once I'm done with work trip, try to head in the general direction of Newtown. I'm trying to find some way to make this part adventurous instead of mindless/anxious waiting.
So far I came up with movie nights with myself. Of just stuff I have online. The desire to keep the DVDs has waned significantly.
I'm unsure if I want to keep all the COVID masks I have. I never really wore the N95 respirators except for once so I have them in the pile for donations. But now that I think about it and the fact that people are still dying. Maybe I'll pack a few for the winter. I will be in a new place and while I plan to hibernate, I do have some activities planned I might still want to attend.
Bye for now.
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