Some dramatic things happened yesterday

 Well at this point you know my life is a never ending episode of corporate trope. 

So since Day 1,  my boss confessed her undying admiration for Thing 1 and Thing 2. Well yesterday was the first I'd heard her say she was quite annoyed and irritated with Thing 1. Wowzers! I don't know what happened there but she was very expressive in her annoyance and irritation and how she doesn't say something like that often. Yikes! She mentioned his tone which when I first started Thing 1 seemed like he could do no wrong.

So that made me think... hmmm...what about lowly me who is not quite at the level of Thing 1 - what nasty things are yet to be said about me if not already?!


Then there was a dramatic meeting around 3p where it seemed like someone was getting in trouble but I wasn't quite sure who but I knew my boss was involved somehow. But there was so much storytelling going on that I left confused. 

As the saying goes, my boss has been in rare form these days. And since I'd already deciphered that my performance is a direct perception of my relationship with her this just made me feel even more uneasy than before. And with Thing 1 falling from grace, I'm not feeling good. I mean I'm sure once the morning comes, it'll be a thing of the past, but still! 

For full context, Thing 1 was promoted a couple months ago, so obviously his behavior is acceptable. I don't think he has anything to worry about. And he's a whitish man, so he also is confident enough to believe he has nothing to worry about. Easily forgiven. 

I got my first rejection via email yesterday for a job I just applied to a few days ago. It was one I'd interviewed for in my year(s) of actively interviewing. Whoops, too soon I guess!

Then a couple days ago, I'd messaged an internal hiring manager and wasn't sure he'd respond. Then he responded and said he was in a development role and copied the recruiter who I had already contacted along with 2 of his colleagues. Eek! I was trying to be sneaky on the advice of my Sneaky Friend. Ugh. 

Then this morning one of his colleagues responded! How nice right! 

Well, I was not feeling confident that they'd respond so last night I actually applied for that Promotional Review job I had my eye on. But the opening and closing dates were weird and I was too impatient to wait for morning to ask the recruiter. Whoops. So I don't know if it's a real opening, if there's a candidate they already have in mind, or if it's just a cattle call. 

Well this all seemed much more dramatic in my head! 

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