Mon, Dec 12, 2022, No burrito for you

 I had to do actual work today and been given work to do that's due upon return from Xmas break. Yoinks! This is not what I planned to do with my time off.

When I looked at my calendar this morning I realized I could leave tomorrow, but then this project has landed in my lap. Grr.

I'm trying to be on Christmas break.

So luckily I can work on it tomorrow. Then still plan to leave Wednesday.

I have a feeling January is going to be hectic. Groan.

Anyway, I had a side of free guac on my Chipotle app, but after trying to use it, I realized I had to buy a full entree first. When all I was really hungry for was a Kid's Meal. 

So scratch that. Look at me being adaptable!

Am I maturing? Ha!

So tomorrow - finish yet another deliverable.

Wed - run away!

Thurs - Christmas party!

So, no burrito today. 

But I'm feeling good. The sun is out. I re-arranged my office furniture. I applied for 2 more bank bonuses, and I have a plan!

A committee member is dabbling into Fiverr and Upwork for voice acting. They apparently wanted to be an actor at some point but thought this would be a good compromise given their family life. 

It reminded me that I wanted to be an old lady actress at some point. I considered for a second and wondered if this could be my hobby. Meh, I had just kind of decided recently, that I'm okay where I am. I don't plan on pushing for any more rungs on the corporate ladder. As long as my workload stays light and flexible, I am perfectly happy with my job and compensation. 

If my house's pest problem stays under control, I think this is my retirement house.

And for as long as I keep working at this salary or higher, I think I want to keep taking these snowbird/ summer bird vacations. I'm even wondering if there's something I can do for Winter in the future. 

So there's lifestyle, career, and money for you. Oh, and my next financial milestone is to hit $1mill in five years or less. 

But for the lifestyle choices of others, it would be dumb to think those things won't filter in, so I decided just to consider it, think of it as a data point, assess whether it fits into my vision for my life (now that I have a mission statement).

So as for voice-over acting, sounds fun. I'd be up for it if it was lucrative and consistent work. But acting is not easy, even voice acting. Unless there's a compelling reason to start it next year, it's not in my plan for 2023. 

Look at me making rational decisions! No signs, no meanings, just new data points. 

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