Tues, Dec 20, What did I hope to accomplish

 I thought I could go through Christmas without getting into some nonsense. Fail! I had too much time on my hands not doing my work!

I was revising some history and added the photos of me and Sean back to my Fall album. It ended but for 2 weeks it was awesome!

My mood tracking app, Daylio, made a yearly report of my moods. It said like the last 10 days of October were my happiest streak. The common denominator - Sean. 

(Side note: I've tried a few other habit/tracking apps after reading Purple's blog, but this one is the easiest. She didn't recommend it but she gave me the idea of tracking moods through an app.)

Anyway, I really was trying to see if my moods were related to an ovulation cycle but haven't found any trends. I do know that long spells of low moods tend to happen in 10 day periods, so for now, I just start counting down. The last one lasted 3 days. 

I wanted to include some meaningful screenshots but never got around to it. But here's some fun data:

2022 (Aug - 20Dec)

Entries: 239

Best Month: December (average mood: 3.5)

Mood stability: 80/100 (don't actually know what that means, but it says the higher the number the more balanced you are)

Longest Best Day Streak: 10/19 - 10/30

My mood for the year: 3 (neutral)

Although there were some really awful days (qty 17); looks like I averaged some good days as well (qty 63).

Notably there were no 'Best' Days, but that's okay.

The settings I have are 

Turquoise: Best - 0

Green: Good - 63

Blue: Neutral  - 58

Orange: Bad - 27

Red: Worst: 17

The data is still super cool even if a bit simplistic. But I like it. 

I set up a reminder to remind me to check my mood at the end of the day. I noticed, I'm more likely to record low moods multiple times in a day than good moods. So that can skew the numbers, but even still I think it's a good place to start.

Anyway, I was sharing some photos with a committee member and I wanted to be silly so I added back the photos I had of Sean and me to the shared album. They were super cute because he's super cute! 

So that started my mischief. So a couple days ago I was looking for something in my Documents and came across an old text from this boy named Max and he said he would cook for some sometime. This is like 2009/2010. 

It made me wonder if there was something there that I missed. But then actually today, I stumbled upon some other emails where we did rightly get salty (that's why you should never go back in the past, MERJ has always been smart!). Anyway, he'd sent me some naked photos of him running on the beach. 

I forwarded them to him with an lol. 

It was funny, but now I'm wondering what did I hope to accomplish? What if his wife saw them? It feels very naughty but I did it anyway. 

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