Well, friends, I have landed in Newtown!
So far, so good. I passed a couple of spots that look trendy. Cool!
A lady talked to me at the Uber stand.
The ride from the airport was < $20 which was also nice. Frugal foible - the hotel had free airport shuttle! Whoops. Oh well! (<< progress!)
This morning the burning thought was - um, I'm not needy. I've been kind of beating myself up for being so emotionally needy. Why can't I just get on by myself when forming these connections just isn't going my way.
Then I look around and um, I am quite normal. Other people just have full cups. That's why I look needy. Me calling myself emotionally needy is like calling a hungry person needy; or a poor person financially needy; or an unhoused person needy for a home. Yeah, those needs aren't being met. They are pretty basic and essential.
But my immediate community are getting their needs met by their families. Doy. Their hands aren't out because their needs are met.
I'm not sure why I haven't accepted the emotional support from Maryland Aunty, Florida Aunty, and my Seattle Mom. I guess it's like those duds I laugh at who would rather be alone than accept my affection. I just want someone to myself that I don't have to share. Really, it's not even about sharing. I just can't rely on these people to be there for me emotionally. Which isn't to say they aren't there - just not reliably. They have other priorities. And I know I will dive in all the way. And still be left with my hand out.
So yeah, I'm not actually needy. I just have an unmet need. There's a difference.
Back to the present.
Um, yeah some frugal foibles is a part of the transition I guess. There are just higher priorities than trying to squeeze a buck out. I did save $2 at Chik Fil A yesterday by opting out of a meal for a drink I didn't really want. Yay!
Yesterday, I did have a mild panic about finances but luckily money is countable. I was able to list my projected expenses for the next 5 months and list my net pay for the next 5 months and luckily those 2 numbers match with a $4k cushion.
I was also more confidently able to write out my vacation plans. And outside my incoming paychecks I have enough to cover vacation expenses. Yay! I do need to set aside money to pay off my medical bill though. And I think in the next financial year, I'm going to look into just keeping $5k in savings and no additional cash emergency fund. I have such a big cash stash for early retirement that I'm a little unsure how much additional cash I need floating around. It's probably not a big deal either way but still. Tighten up where you can. Oh, and as I wanted I already forgot about my Housing Fund. So yeah, I don't need more cash sitting around.
Onwards! Gosh, I got excited about a text alert, and it was just an update on my housing. Ha!
But yeah, I slept relatively well last night. I got up with sweat soaked pjs and had to change my clothes. So a shower is in order today. I'm hungry and breakfast ends at 9a but I am not ready to go to downstairs. So hungry I shall stay. I'm hoping to relax till 9a and then finish up a work task before my next meeting at 10a.
Talk more later!
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