I feel a little disconnected from work

 I know it's only been a day, but yesterday was the most disconnected I've felt from work in a while. So while I was still checking work email multiple times a day while on vacation last week, I think it did help to put some distance between us.

Now, mind you, I was still replaying work conversations in my head last night, and I still got worked up over a meeting I wish had gone differently. However, I just feel ever so slightly less invested.

About yesterday, I do think at least 2 of those meetings I should have been able to manage. It would've made me vomit and I certainly don't want to, but I think at this point, I should be able to.  So the overachiever in me is wanting us to get to that place. But the complacence in me is like oh well

But I'm deciding to trust the process. Trust my boss. 

Also, My Buddy actually did work yesterday! She ran a report before I even got to it. My brain is telling me she's just trying to up her game in prep for our Roles and Responsibilities conversation tomorrow. Stack the deck a little, if you will.

I'm sure My Boss will be fooled. At this point, I don't remember much that happened beyond the last 24 hours, so I imagine she won't either. 

I reconnected with my College Friend and it's just so nice to have someone else to talk to! 

Yesterday,  I was good about letting 2 things go and giving someone else a chance to do it.

Boy, this life and this job are certainly a work in progress!

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