2024 State of the Union

Financial Summary

Gross salary:  ~230k

Net pay: ~105k

401k contributions: 38.5k

Overall spend: $80k


Obviously, this is the most I've ever grossed in my life in a year. This was attributed to having 2 jobs for half the year. It's also the first year I got a bonus payout and an LTI. In most of my 'i want to quit my job' musings, my target goal was consistently to get to the next bonus payout and then try to hold on until my LTI. 

It's still wild that my net pay is still about half of my gross pay even if I include 401k contributions. Geez!

It's amazing to make so much money. Eventhough, mathematically, it's enough. Emotionally, it still doesn't feel like enough to upgrade my lifestyle in a meaningful way. But it is enough/more than enough to buy financial independence and financial stability, financial security, and freedom. Now I don't have to wonder what I'll do with a million dollars, I get to live it! 

It's weird. Surprisingly weird. 

I'm taking 2025 to savor it. Figure out my routine - financially and otherwise. Sit with it before I make any big plans. I hope this high lasts all of eternity!

Mental Health Summary

I am so glad I was able to transfer my data from the Daylio mood app to my new device. It was cool to look at the data from 2022 when I started tracking to now.

I was pretty inconsistent with tracking activities unless something was particularly bothersome.

What was coolest to have data on was my moods. 

In 2022 after I started to make plan to end my life, my average mood was around 3.0. I had 0 Rad days and the issue I was tracking most was "I did not cry today." I only tracked starting in July, so for the second half of the year, I inputted 65 green days, 67 blue days, 27 orange, and 17 red days (at the time it was crying/suicidal ideation). 

Comparatively, in 2024, I have been on Lexapro for over a year. Halfway through the year, I upped my dose from 10 mg to 15mg because I felt myself wanting to cry and work was making me super anxious. I had one fleeting thought of wanting to find myself ripping the hole in my window screen to make it bigger so I could find myself tumbling out. 

For 2024, my numbers were 95/100 for mood stability (higher is better). I had 82 days in a row of good days. I registered 7 Rad days, 335 good/green days, 25 blue days, 5 orange days, and 13 red days (mostly crying/teary. My top activities were walking/exercise and sleeping through the night. My respiratory tracking also decreased compared to 2023 (when I was having lots of respiratory problems in my new town). My average daily mood was 3.9. It only shows a 30% change in average mood numerically, but it is a world of difference. The better number to track is the number of Good Days! That pretty much tripled. 

Overall, my challenges that my brain focuses are much more manageable. The things plaquing me right now include:

- Yellowstone is turning out to be pricier than I expected. Is it worth it? 

- is this lawyer scamming me?

I feel mostly good about my life. I get so excited thinking about my fat nest egg. I still get to be happy.

I fill my calendar with social events. I have a good friend. I'm still trying to figure out the role of credit cards in my life. Do I want to try Prozac?

A friend asked me - what if you outlive your brother? In all my estate planning, there was no scenario where I would live long at all. 

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