tues, jan 21

 i am up

i did a few things today that i'm happy about

i finally set up the heat schedule on the thermostat..yay...started thinking about it yesterday because i got so cold i finally turned it up from 55 to 68...ahhh

i wasn't doing it for savings cost, at least not as the main goal. i jus like it a little colder when i slept and i like having the space heater on my feet

and turning 40...i don't tolerate heat that well...

but yesterday....it was just really cold

right now it's 7*F outside...so...

and then last night i started to pen what my schedule has been the last couple weeks...

i've enjoyed being in bed till around 11a...sometimes my eyes first open around 7a and i can see the sunrise..sometimes around 9a...and i let my thoughts come and go...and then by 11a... i start to hungry...i look for food

sit around until around 9p when i start to get sleepy...

so the heating schedule follows that with bedtime being colder at 55* and awake time being a bit more temperate in the 60s...

what an accomplishment!

i've been toggling between old seasons of survivor and various FIRE online posts...the journals are still awesome...there are some from a decade ago... it's cool to watch people's career progression and interests change...

helps fortify my confidence that my 80% steady state for my daily activities and tasks is sustainable and there's less of a chance i'll spiral into the pit of despair...at least not for any reasonable length of time...

just because i don't feel like cooking or cleaning or brushing my teeth in this moment or for the last few days...doesn't mean i'll NEVER feel like doing those things...

yeah, it would be better to have these things on a schedule and automate them like clockwork...but oh well....

my kitchen is a mess and i need to sweep the floor and run the dishwasher...and i haven't brushed my teeth in at least 5 days...

but it's also been really great to just veg out on my different surfaces - bed, couch, floor, recliner...and eat snacks...

some of that like many things have a feedback loop... ahhh MALK (almond milk) and lucky charms...give me bad gas and a hurty stomach...not as indulgent as i thought...

manoges...good...eat more of those... 

eating before 11a ---drowsy... 

finances have not been much of an issue because i'm not tempted to go anywhere or do anything...that will likely change as the weather warms up...

kinda unofficially taking january off as a snow day has been a little experiment... but mostly i'm okay with it... it's so nice to be in my warm house and snuggled up lazing around... i am wanting to document this to see when this changes...

there is still a rebellious part of me...that feels like i'm breaking the rule somehow...some version of defiant sunday sleep..where you stay up so monday doesn't come faster...

oh well...

what's on my mind...

probably find other ways to get more convenient foods...i'm trying annie's dal soup...it seemed thick...but heating it up...it's a bit watery... there's a thicker consistency i'm hoping to have for rice...and it falls in line with the rice and beans diet... i actually love beans and rice...just only know how to cook one kind...

i think my rollover check was on the way. in the idealized version of me, i told myself i'd take it to the post office and send it priority mail...but i'll probably send it through a regular envelope and hope it gets there...it's under 2k..so not nothing...and likely they can recut the check if it gets lost...we shall see...

other things...

- still toying around with asking for a layoff when i get back to work in march

- mildly concerned that our employee workday doesn't show my leave yet...curious if i get a call or something...

- and estimating my taxes....looks like it's going to be interesting.... 

that's all

going to cancel a ticket for an event tomorrow....

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