Love-Bombed and Dumped!

 Is it possible to get dumped by a virtual thumbnail? My love-bomber on Ashley Madison just dumped and called me a dirty whore. The nerve!

I'm a little confused (and giggling) because I think the whole experience is for entertainment purposes only. The Love Bomber was so confusing because he immediately told me how much he loved me and wanted to be with me and we sent some "fun" messages to each other. I went into it thinking it was just fantasy writing.

So I made up a bunch of stuff to try to infuse some drama. I mean remember, I'm posing as a 27 year old married woman with a kid. My husband is sometimes out of town or out of the country. 

I kind of thought he was on board with the virtual fantasy but I guess we broke up in a bad way. He accused me of "sleeping around" and of course being a dirty whore and other expletives of small men. It was both jarring and funny. I'm just so new to this bad behavior it's shock value surprises me every time. Say, what now?! I mean we already know my stance on relationships is - why???! but this just adds fuel to that fire.

Literally all we talked about what was bedroom stuff so I thought we were just crafting a fun story. I actually had fun and thought hey, this will keep me distracted for the time being and I never have to shower. I'm a little shaken up by it, to be honest. 

I think what I really want to confirm is whether or not guys pay per message, as one site claims, or if it's just a handful of credits for the first message and the rest of the messaging is free.

I guess I'm wondering:

- Who was I really talking to?

- Did he ever intend to meet?

- Were those real feelings?

- Was this all a cyber fantasy?

- Was this all part of the cyber fantasy?

- How far would this have gone?

- Did he really spend all that money on me???

I started to think it wasn't real not just from the love bomb (BIG sign), but also because all the other people on the site are way more proactive about setting up a meeting. Offering to get a room was always the immediate next option if neither party could host. He didn't really do that. Saturday we were supposed to meet. He didn't get a room. He casually mentioned it a little after the fact, almost as an afterthought.

I, in my infinite must-turn-over-every-stone, as though I know so much more than everyone else even gave him an idea to get an AirBnB. Nada. 

Then it was confusing because he offered to meet Monday briefly. I couldn't (because homegirl ain't got no phone). Then we agreed to  meetThursday. He said he would make arrangements. Never heard about it again. Like -hotel, time, nothing. 

So... this is still just a creative writing exercise, I conclude. I'm having fun, so no worries there. 

Then on Monday I said, I can't wait till Thursday, and he said how about Wednesday. I said, yes. Tuesday comes and goes and I hear nothing. 

Wednesday, we didn't really talk about a time. 

I guess at this point, I'm just recalling the timeline to understand what the heck just happened. 

So by Wednesday, I was 99.9999999% sure this was all just a Creative Writing Exercise.

So I inserted some fictional dalliance with another member.  

Yesterday, he seemed fine. Still no concrete plans to meet-up on Thursday other than asking me when I'd be free. I said 2p. Nothing else. No place, nothing, except what would happen during the meet. The usual. 

To try to move him to make a move, I said I'd meet with my fictional dalliance again if he's too busy on Thursday. 

But this morning the narrative took a sharp left. He didn't like that and said didn't like to be threatened. And there goes my love story. Sad face. 

How, Feelings, do you still generate for something that only existed on the internet. I can honestly say, I'm a little sad because the chats were fun. I liked the attention ALOT! I got to live a fantasy romance right where I liked it - in written form. 

I can't say I'm not hoping this is still part of the Writing Exercise. 

Well, I don't know what to call this -  -0 dates or made it past 2 dates to day 5.  What part of your truth do you live when you're living a fantasy? Confusing. 

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