i reached the BIG FI number in the sky!!! i'm in the 2 comma club officially without my car (and obviously not counting liabilities).
it doesn't feel the way you think...especially if you've been checking it like a fiend since the last milestone. I thought i'd have to wait until bonus day... but it's here..
in my 40s!!!
she did it!
she did it!
weee weee weeee!
i'm all alone...yet again!!!
i want to tell adam but he doesn't want to be friends anymore...
as my therapist said to all my haters - they don't deserve to know how well i'm doing!
i love this for me!!!
celebrate good time, come on!
and just yesterday (well last week... i was crying ...over a boy!!)...
now i'm about to get an offer for my minimum wage summer job... go have an adventure with some grubby kids and annoying 20-somethings... but mostly i want to explore (and silently: get my weight under control...or at least my eating habits..so i can enjoy the next 20 years)...
to my future and past self---and current self--it feels great to be a millionnaire.
it doesn't make a lick of difference that there's "no one" here to enjoy it with. i'm enough.
and i'm so happy i wasn't waiting for this moment to make any huge life changes...
thank you, strangers on the internets who posted the financial journey...you have SAVED MY LIFE.
i am financially stable and secure and confident.
it's the emotional and physical i have time and resources to make room for and focus.
i will try to walk outside tomorrow...maybe...
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