Tues, 9a

 I'm feeling a bit better than just an hour ago. I pooped! Sorry for the visual, but sometimes the little things can boost mood.

I got excited about spending the morning in bed doing tasks.

Work is sucking the joy from my life this morning. But it is not ever lasting. 

I just gotta do the things I gotta do to get through this temporary distress. 

What is true:

- I have a job. 

- I don't want to do said job anymore.

- I've even lost the surety I had with this job and this project. I could not be more disinterested.

- I was going to stay logged into Teams in case my team had questions, but I think it'll be okay to log-off shortly. The workflow ended yesterday.

- I'm confused on how much work I have to do on this project. It might be better to just close the workflow so I have time to think the next few days.

Okay, gotta run some errands!

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