I'm trying not to rage quit my job!

 Yeah, so the Coaching Plan is officially on the calendar. On the one hand, I'm glad I got 4 months of pay out of it. On the other hand, it was quite the blow to the ego. Yikes!

so yeah, i went away for 2 weeks and had heavy work residue.

it did help to look at my balance sheet an know that i'm still on track

i think i'm just at a weird inflection point; it's not self-imposed

i'm realizing i like my life as it is; i'm not sure i'm ready to live on a restricted income

when i first started my FI journey in 2017 I was wildly unhappy and felt there was no point to anything...my biggest sore was work.

so i wanted to eliminate work

but now work has a purpose...those dollars fund my lifestyle

and it happens to be a lifestyle that I am currently enjoying

so i'm not as amped to leave the workforce just yet...

well more like..i'm not as amped to give up a steady income

so i have to to humble myself and take it up the butt from this job.

but honestly would love nothing sweeter than to quit on Wednesday instead of going to the meeting.

but informal coaching plans last at least 30 days i think...so that's 2 more paychecks

so i was thinking, i might quit j2 in may of next year; then over my vacation, I was thinking 1st of march...

and consider these my last 6 months

but the thought of leaving work just doesn't hold the same appeal...

i like the steady paycheck and i just don't want to go back to FEELING poor.

i'm hoping once i get a good idea of what my expenses are this calendar year, i'll feel better about how much i actually need to enjoy and continue the life i have now.

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