What a day! And some recovery

 So weird stuff keeps happening.

My debit card was declined. But maybe I already talked about that. 

Due to new cards being sent, we hope.

Didn't realize it was linked to my Peacock subscription, so we'll see how access for that goes. I'm just going to wait patiently for 2 weeks till the new cards come.

I felt free finally being able to drive my car again. I tried not to think of it as deprivation and more just waiting, but it felt a bit like deprivation when I could finally get in my car again.

Got gas, dropped off trash at dump; picked up Walmart groceries.

Don't you just love Walmart. I can get apples, dental floss, and notebooks in the same trip. I'm so glad I remembered to use the app! And because it wasn't that much stuff, I just dumped it on my metal kitchen table. 

Got my McDs at lunch. Am glad I'm waiting until Fridays to get the deal. 

Today was weird. Last night I was locked out of my work computer. I didn't have the melt down I normally would've. I don't necessarily feel super-secure in my job, and I did wonder if I had done something awful and I was locked out because I was being let go. When I could still access my email I felt better.  I even said a thankful prayer last night just in case God was punishing me. Old habits die hard, friends.

But the issue was resolved by 1p today and I got a bit more work done. 

Got 10 of my 15 CEs done in the meantime. What a great idea I had to knock those out on the iPAD. So glad the iPAD worked!

Was so grateful for phone. Made me wonder about other emergency protocols. What will I do if I'm locked out of house or car? I'm not sure. Think I'll need to keep a cell phone in early retirement after all. 

Work is overall good. Do wonder if I'm contributing enough, but I'll just roll with it until I'm told otherwise. #juniorwriter

Decided to just let the credit card situation go for now. I can have a 3 month reprieve from thinking about it. If Fidelity fails, oh well. I did some pre-approvals and I have options. So that'll work out. I am not going to be deterred with this Year.

Decided on some dates for my March trip. I think I would rather go for a calendar week and use my weekends as travel days vs trying to sneak it during the work day. I hope I don't have to create any content that week. No real objectives other than maybe look out at some water, relax, eat snacks, and get away.

I'm glad I looked up alternatives though for the credit card because it was really going to bug me. Travel hacking isn't achievable for this year, so it's no longer a priority. I have definitely lost that earnest edge I'm observing. That's a good thing.

So yeah, it's been a day! A week. Just wanted to get some words out.

Really hope I can figure out this shoulder pain. Ow!

Think I'm going to harvest $3k in loss the next time I see a dip in the price of my mutual funds. Going to buy the international fund. Again, once I can get my Call Center #1's 401k back up to the price I bought it for, going to simplify a lot of my holdings. 


- got my first $6 in bank bonuses

- was able to get 2 more $10 debit card transactions for another bonus when I bought gas. Still got 2 to go. Easy choice is to just get 2 $10 giftcards but didn't have that on my list

- not panicking too much that I was a little hard to reach by my Team due to the tech issue

- had a call with committee member that just re-affirmed my decision to keep myself phone-lite

- just decided to roll with the credit card until new debit cards come; i might have said this multiple times by now because I was on the verge of a meltdown

I think that's it. What a weird week but also some good recovery and some nice solves. I'm proud of myself. Haven't decided what I want to do this weekend.


More accomplishments

- took the trash to dump

- quickly vacuumed crumbs from office

- scrubbed a toilet

Feeling good friends. Oh, weekend! I am longing for you. I have no HW, so it should be great. And it's supposed to be in the 60s!!

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