Sick Day 12, Still feeling run down

 I had 3 hours of meetings today and still feel run down. I guess I need more than 10 days to recover.

Given that I'm still under the weather, the lack of ability to get a rewards card, and who knows what else, I haven't purchased my trip to Egypt yet.

I've lost some of my enthusiasm.

Side note: when searching for Gate 1, I discovered Exottica and the original trip I had looked at for almost $4k, they are selling for about $2200. The only thing is I realized that the trip includes a 4 day cruise. And although it's on a river, I'm not too jazzed about taking a 4 day long boat trip for fun. I wish Aunty MERJ were around, then I would maybe do it because she wanted to do it for so long!

Anyway, their website was even snazzier than Gate 1, so I'll have to remember to look at them in the future. I would anticipate more escorted travel in my future. 

Anyway...because I'm feeling so run down, the idea of traveling in 2 months is not appealing. I think I want to give myself at least 3 months from my first symptom free day to even think about traveling. Without knowing that day, I don't even want to think about booking travel. 

I've been trying to think about my updated credit card plan, but the best next steps I can come up with is just waiting 30 days and trying again with the 2 cards I had my eye on. I really need to define my objectives outside of just racking up points. 

Next is to try to get a card to give me a $5k limit and hold it for a year. It seems so risky so I can't even beat myself up over my credit card strategy the last couple of years. I got out of debt, wasn't identity thefted, and didn't overspend, so my "strategy" worked. It's just now I have different objectives.

I just don't have a real plan yet. This new found search of travel is new. 

My therapist was excited when I mentioned it. But in my mind, I'm like... you too can go, there are no barriers to entry. If you don't want to spend the money, just use points. Or if you do want to spend the money, just start saving.

I almost feel like my blasé attitude is going to land me in some bad scenario..but that's the old me that believes in jinxing and signs and karmic resolution. I'm actually scared something bad is going to happen. 

When do I get to be scared that something good is going to happen!

I'm a bit hungry and just want some snacks. The easiest choice is McDonald's, but I don't really want McDonald's. 

Don't want to cook much either.

I just did a quick Google search on flu symptoms and it says after you feel better, you may have a lingering cough or feel tired for a few more weeks. 

I'm guessing 2 more weeks for me. So maybe I'll be back to normal at end of January.

Well at least that makes January easy. Just eat well and rest.

And in case it's COVID, they said it's not 'long COVID' until after 4 weeks. 

Today I do feel a bit more run down than yesterday, but overall I'm not getting worse. 

So in the moments I don't feel scared or that God is going to bring down his hand of justice and righteousness on me, I like to think about my simple life....

9a to 1p: Focused work

1-5p: Self care, for Jan, that might be resting or just reading on the internet; in the future, keeping my body clean or stretching; as for the reading, I want to try to save some of my TV watching for focused time. Not from a depravity standpoint, but I enjoy the binge. 

5-9p: Just some calm activities

9-12m: some calmer activities.

After hearing Mike from friends on fire declare that his purpose is traveling with his family, I lessened the pressure to find a higher meaning. 

I enjoy eating chips (and other snacks) and watching shows (good reality shows or fun new series). 

That's my purpose. To enjoy my last 0-20 years on earth watching TV and eating snacks. 

As for working, I'll work for as long as it still makes sense and is non-stressful. If I can maintain a light workload, I may work forever.

I don't have any immediate plans to climb the corporate ladder this year.

As for traveling, I'm not sure. I still plan to visit Seattle again. It doesn't look like friends or flings really want to stay in touch so that feels weird.

So it's just filling my time with random things borrowed from others.

Oh, I was able to sign up to volunteer for an NCSO tournament close by this spring. So that will be fun!

I'd been wanting to do some of the regional tournaments but not wanting to drive 100 miles.

So I think this year is just adjusting to the status quo.

Trying to establish some traditions. 

I had to undock my laptop so I could recline a bit as I type this.

The sun is out and it's sunny, breezy, and cool. My favorite kind of day. 

I want some chili, a rocking chair, a cozy blanket and some outside sitting time. 

Oh I got some more Catalyze points at work. So I'm storing that for my Hello Fresh stash for this summer. 

Oh, looks like our first paycheck of the year is posted already! Nice!

My net pay is about $40 less than I estimated but I think my estimate was made before I upped my FSA. still haven't decided if I'm counting my FSA expenses in my annual expenses. 

Just did a quick calculation, and it looks like my effective tax rate is about 20%. Just something to keep in mind for any income earned outside of W2. 

How can I net a 3k tax loss for last year! I think it's too late. 

Optimizing my taxes is something else I want to get better at. Just not sure where to begin. 

Looking at my paystub, I still can't believe I grossed $165k for the year. The next tax bracket starts at $170k. Wow! So if I get even a 2% raise next year and a little bit bigger bonus, I will crest that new benchmark. 

Other ruminations

- I love sunny breezy days

- I love chips and popcorn

- I love watching a new show

Can that be my purpose and my passion. My passion is to eat salty snacks and watch new shows on sunny breezy days.

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