It's 56 degrees in here, Total Stock Index and more...

 So I've been wrastling with the decision to turn off my heat. I feel like during my home orientation, the guy said not to turn off the HVAC system because it takes so long to cool the house down again. So I imagine the same is true with heat. And being a new homeowner I stay anxious about mistakes that could lead to costly repairs- you can tell how long I plan on doing this homeowner lifestyle. 

So a crude Google search said if you want to turn the heat way down, don't go lower than 50 or 40 degrees. I tried fifty. Then I wanted to see how cold it really gets indoors without the heat. The latest reading shows 56 degrees. The weather outside is around 23 degrees. I actually didn't realize it was that cold outside. Dang, that's below freezing! 

Under the blankets, I'm actually pretty comfortable and don't even need to bring out the space heater. And my night is not interrupted with the heater clicking on and off and blowing that not-so-warm air on my face. I'm curious if it will get below 50 degrees in the house. 

Vanguard Total Stock Index

So I was re-reading some of A Purple Life's posts yesterday. This is primarily because every year I obsess over my numbers to try to find some glimmer of hope or lever I can engage to get me even closer to my goal. I generally end up negating my progress with feelings of defeat that my FIRE goal is still soooo far away. Well this year was no different. At the end of my mini-binge, my default setting is probably still 6 years away from $500k; Mint and Personal Capital and my increased income suggest I might reach that goal in 4 years. But when I look at Purple's numbers, there's a small chance I might make it in 2. I don't want to focus on that as the stock market is soo unpredictable. 

And I've been focused so much on other exit plans that I really haven't given FIRE much thought. The savings is just muscle memory at this point because... why not? 

Anyway, I said all that to say, even thought I've been led astray more than once trying to fit into the FIRE community (cough, cough: blogging for money and being more miserly than I normally would), I think I've decided to get a little fast and loose with investing. I get about $700/mon for the next 11 months from my aunt's pension. I think I'm going to switch it from the Target Date Plan (set-it-and-forget-it) to the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund just like Purple (because strangers on the internet never lie and you should do everything they say they do).  I'm feeling frisky I guess. 

So yes, I left my cozy bed to get this laptop to initiate this transaction for the New Year. 

More on financial tracking applications

As for the apps I tried, as much as I tried to get rid of one, I think I'll keep all 3 for the next quarter and see how I feel at my next financial update.  This morning, too, I decided it will be fun to see how they predict how close I am to my goal in years. 

These are very rough estimates because there are few minor variables that are different.

Here's what Mint is saying now: (a little different from my earlier post because I reassigned some accounts to different goals)

Here's what PC is saying:

See I actually don't even know what this saying...  but since I'm 36 now, I'm guessing Dec of 2024 (when I'm 40).

Okay so I guess seeing it like this, their estimates don't differ too much. It's still 4 years  But do you see how Mint is so much easier whereas Personal Capital I'm still left wondering a bit.  Well actually, the original Mint estimate was closer to March 2024, which to me is pretty much 3 years and 3 months...which rounds to 3 years in my mind and the 3 months would just be the countdown, so really 3 years.  *chuckles softly*

I can't even begin to dream that far out. For me, I track the number not the date. This is because the stock market is a bit unpredictable. So if I make it that far, I'd probably set an arbitrary date as I get within spitting distance of $500k.  My life has a tendency to not work out when I set hard and fast goals. 

So that was a lot of rambling. Basically, all I came on here to say is that for funsies, I'm going to try the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund for a little portion of side money I have coming in. 

Every now and then I re-think the money I have sitting in CDs and so far I haven't been inclined to move it to investments. That's my reality check. 

In other news, I received a total of 1 Christmas gift (from my boss); 1 unsolicited email and FaceTime call from a former high school friend; 1 phone call from an aunt; 1 phone call from another aunt on Christmas Eve; 1 unsolicited text from my boss on Christmas Eve. 

That's more than I was expecting! Cheers!

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