Some good news

So yesterday was a crying day. Part of what triggered me was closing out some unfinished business having to do with my aunt's "estate."

To recap, the plan administrator for her death benefit had made the check out to her "Estate" instead of her designated beneficiaries. After a couple months of back and forth and me finally throwing the weight of legal counsel around, I got an email today saying they were going to reissue the payment to her beneficiaries.

I was happy about the victory, but there are two remaining battles. One, I would like a copy of the beneficiary form. Two, some of my relatives live overseas, so I'm curious to see what the plan administrator are going to do about them. My best guess, from clicking around the internet, is they are going to say those people are unable to be located. Then I imagine they would probably try to issue those funds to the estate, but I would prefer they just at least divvy it up to the remaining beneficiaries so I can get some of the money to my relatives overseas. So I'm a little bit happy but also filled with dread that it's not over yet.

I just have such disdain for dealing with middlemen.

Ugh, in other news I can't shake this friend I've been trying to shake for the last year or so! I'm just so bored and desperate for limited human interaction sometimes that I take what I can get. Right now my latest complaint is our communication styles. She grew up mostly an only child so is used to telling long stories. Maybe I'm jealous? Isn't that the first leap critics make? But to explain something, I have to hear every emotion and action and backstory. Which would be fine, but I feel like when it's my turn to talk, I don't get the same airtime because this family member is calling, or she has to deal with her partner, or her baby.  So part of it is I came from a large family where kids maybe didn't get that much airtime, so I always keep my stories short and to the point. So I feel like when I'm trying to vent or get out a long story and I get cut off, it's doubly annoying!

This just affirms for me why I chose not to pursue friendships with women with partners or children. But as I said, these days I have yearning for more human connection, so everyday I say this is the last time I'm talking to her for awhile, and a couple hours later, we're emailing, or messaging, or Skype calling. It's my own fault.

Which brings me to my next point.
What easy craft-hobby can I start during the  rest of our government shut in? I have my aunt's sewing machine, but I don't actually know how to sew and I don't really need clothes.

But there must be things outside of clothes I can make? I just miss my aunt! She was so fun and full of life!

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