Enjoying this season of life

 I think that's pretty much it. 

I'm learning and finally getting the idea that this is my life, and it's good. There will typically be a new bop-it where the last bop-it was.

But I don't have to covet my free time so much. Things ebb and flow in my life. I don't have to covet my free time for fear I'll never get it again.

School is over, and pretty soon work will be over.

So filling my days with things that need to be done or that I enjoy is a reasonable way to live. I don't have to hoard it and or look forward to days of nothing.

There will always be days of nothing. And if there's not, I can make them!

I think just uncoupling myself from this lack of control on my life. I can cancel appointments. I can call in sick. Cool things will continue to happen.

Leave room for fun, MERJ! 

p.s. - i love my life! 

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