Sweat through an interview and lived to talk about it and other revelations.

 I just got through an interview and was called out on my resume, but I refuse to change anything. Something still thinks the hiring manager might hire me. But I won't hold my breath...not too long anyway.

But it did bring about the though exercise of what do I do if my job gets eliminated or I have to go into the office. 

There are many different scenarios, but the two basic ones are;

If let go entirely: I already said, I'd look for work for a year and after 1 year without success, consider myself early retired at whatever my account balance is. I already know I can make it on $20k.

Scenario 2:

Remote work is eliminated and I'm required to return to work: I initially thought I'd just move back to the lower cost of living place and buckle down until I reach millionaire status. But now that I have a good thing going and if that continues, I am toying with the idea of going back to Call Center work, if I can get it rather than moving. It depends on how far away I am from full FIRE. 

If it happened say the end of the year, and I had to relocate by Jan 1, I definitely don't want to move. I might try to do a hybrid since I technically could stay with Maryland Aunty. It would definitely be an interesting solve. 

Scenario 3:

I think was returning to Call Center work if I could find it. I would pick Call Center 2. I just don't know how easy that would be to get, but only time will tell, I suppose.


But I think the revelation is to try to go the next 12 months (in Newtown, especially) without job applying. I've been saying that for 3 years, and while I haven't gone crazy, I'm still applying and subjecting myself to the emotional rollecoaster of the job hunt. No bueno! 

So since job hunting seems to be on the horizon (timeframe TBD), I think I deserve to give myself a real break from the hunt until it's absolutely necessary. I hope that it doesn't get there, but I tried without the pressure and still couldn't really break into it. 

I think when I do have to look again, I will probably try for both. Call Center and Widget worker. 

Onward to enjoy my life!

Also, friends, I booked my trip to South America. After all the iterations, I decided on Christmas week in South America and in a family friendly hotel...oh well. It's all inclusive and sunny. So I chose a trip outside the US vs Miami. I chose South America vs Dominican Republic. I chose South America vs Europse. I chose 1 week vs 2 weeks. I chose 1 destination vs 2 destinations. I chose 4 days vs 3 days. I even chose to buy separately vs a package so I can easily book a transfer. I chose travel protection vs not. And I chose a family friendly hotel because that was the only option in South America. And I chose South America over adults only.

And given my new workload for the rest of the year, it will be a welcomed vacation.

I also chose a week off right before the week away to do nothing. My schedule is empty. There are no hosted events or structured activities. I hope to stay busy with the hopes of relaxing in South America.


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