Announcing The Crowd-Pleasing Catchy Title Challenge for Summer 2018

I read somewhere that blogging traffic generally slows down in the summer months. Admittedly since the weather has warmed up there have been 2 or 3 weekends where I was not so active on the blogging sites. That being said, along with my summer of listicles to lighten things up and provide a quick read for readers I'm adding an additional challenge: The Catchy Title Challenge for Summer 2018.  The goal here is just to add that fluffy flourish to your blog and keep readers engaged. Also, if successful it can increase traffic. Who doesn't want that!

Remember when you first signed up for this blogging adventure after reading your favorite bloggers' "How To Start a Blog" page. Many recommend titles that are How To or x Ways to Do This or That. In short, people search the internet for solutions. That's a nugget I recently realized after blogging. That's why they use Pinterest top... didn't know that either. Pinterest is apparently a visual search engine. What!

So to help kick off this challenge, here are some templates for catchy blog titles. I would encourage you to step outside the regular How To X or  X Ways... that's amateur ish. I am challenging myself to push the envelope a little and hit 10 outrageous titles this summer (Jun to mid-Aug 2018). I find just reading some of the templates act as sentence starters for future posts.  So not only is it a great way to add some flash it can help generate ideas. Read on!

End of Summer Update (Aug 2018)
In case you missed it, here are a few of mine ...

Top Three Sources for Catchy Titles 👈 see what I did there 😄.

My Early Retirement Journey - how to be single in your 30s and retire early

My Early Retirement Journey - How to be single in your 30s and retire early

My Early Retirement Journey - how to retire early in your 30s

No graphic but does provide some interesting adjectives to name a view....
Unbelievable / Beautiful / Terrible / Controversial / Shocking / Fluffy / Tasty / Seductive / Fantastic / Brilliant / Top / Powerful / Attention-Grabbing / Delicious / Mouthwatering / Gorgeous / Successful / Valuable 

End of Summer Update (Aug 2018)
In case you missed it, here are a few more ...

Enjoy. Use the wishbone icon to Share/ Tweet/ Comment/ Like/ Subscribe!


  1. So many different post titles there yet after a while they do get a bit 'samey' don't they? Problem is, Pinterest is a great driver of blog traffic and listicles/how to's do very well on Pinterest. I shall nick some of those titles for future posts myself!

    1. From the looks of your Pinterest shares, you seem to be doing quite well! Keep it up!

    2. Thanks! Am trying hard, I find how to's & listicles don't just roll off my finger tips if you see what I mean. Easier to rant about DD2! Ha!

    3. I would never have known! :)
      Ranting does tend to flow better for most things... so many neuronal connections to everything in the world that has ever annoyed us!


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