List of Single Girl Money Bloggers

When I first started this blog, it was not easy finding other women blogging about personal finance. As I got more immersed in the personal finance community, I realized there were more women who money than I originally thought.  Still not that many single girl money bloggers though. So to keep track, I thought I'd compile a list. The list at Tread Lightly, Retire Early helped me connect with other female personal fiance bloggers, so I know these lists are helpful especially for new bloggers like me. I just niched it down a bit to single girls- single meaning never married, childless, sans relationship, boos, or baes :)

Here's my list of single girl money bloggers, in no particular order. If you or someone you know needs to be added to the list, feel free to comment below with a link and two to three sentences telling me about your blog. I'll update the list periodically. Thanks, y'all!

Introducing the List of Single Girl Money Bloggers

#1 My Early Retirement Journey

This is yours truly. A single 30-something, openly Christian human woman. I love watching TV while eating takeout, and I want to retire early. I  started really getting into savings and investing late 2017 when I stumbled upon the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) community. In 2018, I made the decision to try to save for a sabbatical and maybe if all goes well continue the journey to early retirement.
#2  Splurging on Freedom

"A few years ago, I lost everything, almost every dollar I ever had to my name. But after a few pity parties (okay, a lot of them), I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and transformed my relationship with money. I don’t earn a great deal of money. And I certainly would never be able to earn enough in my entire lifetime to replace the 9-digit inheritance that I lost."
#3 The Single Dollar

"A mid-30s, long-term single woman with a humanities PhD and a desire to keep afloat without a second income — as well as to catch up after a dozen financially “lost” post-college years. I write primarily about my own life and finances, and I’m obviously no professional; any advice I give is to be taken with plenty of salt."
#4 Double Debt Single Woman

"A 40-something single woman living in the U.S. This blog chronicles my slow climb out of deep debt. My “double debt” refers to the $140+K twin terrors of student loan debt ($112,000+) and credit card debt ($30,000+). “Single woman” will address the difficult choices, challenges, and opportunities that those without partners experience when dealing with large debt alone."
#5 Struggling to Be Debt Free

"A 33 year old female residing in northern Florida where I earn my living as an attorney.  I currently earn approximately $80,000 a year at a small law firm in the area. I love to read, I like to write and knit.  I am single with no prospects, but I think I have steeled myself to become an old maid."
#6 Jane Has Debt

"Jane's ADHD has always made managing her finances a challenge. But not wanting to retire broke, she has made it her absolute mission to rid of nearly $81,000 of debt by embracing a Cash Only Lifestyle. Fueled by iced coffee and veggies."
#7 Reaching for Fi

"My name is Erin and I’m a 20-something living and working in DC. In 2016 I started to feel like I was living paycheck-to-paycheck, and in early 2017 I decided to finally get a handle on my finances. I fell down the rabbithole of personal finance blogs and emerged as a personal finance blogger myself! I’m using this blog to document my path to financial independence, as someone living on a not-so-big salary in a high-cost-of-living area."



  1. Thanks for the list. I'm currently looking for more bloggers to read, so this is timely!

  2. Yay, thanks! Let me know if you stumble across anymore. I too enjoy reading other bloggers' stories!

  3. How about my blog?
    I'm a high school English and Drama teacher, single mother of 4 boys, divorced 21 years ago and I live in Australia. Who says you have to be a numbers geek to aim for FIRE? If the stereotype for a FIRE seeker is a 30-year-old male engineer, then I'm on the other end of the bell curve!

  4. Hey Frogdancer, can't wait to check out your story! Thanks for stopping by :)


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