Spotlight on: Root of Good

Remember the 'old days' when online chat was still a thing and people would list and ask for stats upon entering a chatroom. I thought that might be a quaint idea to utilize as I browsed and shared other FIRE blogs of interest. As this blog grows, there might be other blogs that might apply to your situation or season or just might be more interesting. I like sharing knowledge; it's kind of what the Internet's all about. Some of the details are things bloggers have strong opinions on and use it to differentiate their experience. Others are things that are fun or basic to know about other bloggers.

Blog name: Root of Good
Author: Justin McCurry
Blog start date: Sept 11, 2013

Location: Raleigh, NC
Current Age: 38
Age of FI/RE: 33

Debt: $0
Savings: $2.1 million
Net worth: $2.1 million
Income/ Income streams: Investment accounts, blog's ads and affiliate marketing
Filing status: Married

Rent/own: own, mortgage-free
Kids: 3
Pets: 0
Car: 1, purchased used, paid for
Cell phone: Yes, one unspecified VOIP + 1 Republic wireless phone for his wife + 1 prepaid phone for daughter
Cable: No, some other unspecified streaming service
Credit cards: Yes, uses actively for travel rewards and rebate hacks

Motivation: Seemingly a natural propensity for savings and thriftiness starting at an early age with a matching spouse.
Their Journey so far: Justin (and his wife) achieved early retirement and financial independence when Justin was age 33 with a net worth of about $1 million dollars. Add that to a well-timed lay off.

Blog Notables: It goes without saying this is my blog crush. The blog not the blogger, to be clear. They had a modest income like mine, and are intentionally thrifty.  They did get some of their initial savings momentum from an unspecified business Justin started and a home they sold, but for the most part their savings and investing hacks played a significant role in their early retirement journey.  Justin does a good job of chronicling the important steps they took to achieve FIRE with actual numbers. Of note, they point out that it is not necessary to work 30 years to buy their 3 children every one of their little heart's desires.
My takeaway/How I relate to their journey: I appreciate the foundation of a good savings strategy in The Journey. I could relate to the fact that there weren't active streams of passive income for the majority of their journey as this is not where my heart leans. So it is encouraging to know that early retirement can be achieved without strong blogging income, real estate, or small business income.

What blogbytes would you like to know about your favorite blogger?

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