Hi, friends!
My anxious feelings continue to be tamped down! yay, me! Yay, medications!
I had a nerve inducing meeting this morning but I got through it by being prepared. Yay.
Work is still going fine. My workload is manageable and that makes me happy.
The weather has swung from being cold and icy to balmy and cool.
In a conversation last night with my neighbor on wishes, I realize in many aspects of my life, I still value freedom.
I don't know why I feel so imprisoned by every day life even though I love structure.
MONEY helps! It really does. I just feel so happy to have enough and KNOW I have enough. Yay!!
Wow, I'm glad I lived to see this. As I write this, I can't say it was worth it. But I'm glad that if I HAD TO LIVE, I got to see my life turn around. This is where I think Zoloft would make a difference, I would WANT to live. Well until I make my mind up on that, I'm happy.
I planned a random trip to the Carribean and had mixed feelings about it, especially since the weather is going to be nice here while I'm gone! But oh well! I planned some excursions that I'm kind of excited about.
And today I'm going to get sushi at happy hour. And go on a walk with a friend. Yay!
I had one of my overseas relatives hit me up for money a week or so ago. I was going to give it to them anyway, just not for a few months.
And I got approved for a 3rd card to round off my points needed for Australia! Woot!!!